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Beneficial effect of the Ca2+ antagonist, nimodipine, on existing diabetic neuropathy in the BB/Wor rat.

机译:Ca2 +拮抗剂尼莫地平对BB / Wor大鼠中现有糖尿病性神经病的有益作用。



1. Neuropathy is a frequently diagnosed complication of diabetes mellitus. Effective pharmacotherapy is not available. 2. The spontaneously diabetic BB/Wor rats develop secondary complications like neuropathy as do human diabetic patients. 3. BB/Wor rats treated with insulin via a subcutaneous implant show a significant impairment of sensory and motor nerve conduction velocity 6 weeks after the onset of diabetes mellitus. 4. Intraperitoneal treatment of diabetic BB/Wor rats with the Ca2+ antagonist, nimodipine (20 mg kg-1), from week 6 onwards every 48 h for a period of 6 weeks resulted in a significant increase of sensory and motor nerve conduction velocity. 5. Twelve weeks after the onset of diabetes mellitus BB/Wor rats show a 40% impairment of sciatic nerve blood flow as compared to the non-diabetic age-matched controls. Treatment with nimodipine (20 mg kg-1) from week 6 onwards significantly increased the sciatic nerve blood flow as compared to placebo-treated diabetic BB/Wor rats. 6. The adrenergic responsiveness of the vasa nervorum of the sciatic nerve to tyramine and phenylephrine was investigated as a parameter for autonomic neuropathy. 7. The fact that nimodipine treatment restored the reduced response to tyramine independently of the reduced postsynaptic phenylephrine responsiveness indicates that nimodipine improves adrenergic responsiveness mainly at the presynaptic level.
机译:1.神经病是糖尿病的一种常见诊断并发症。没有有效的药物疗法。 2.自发性糖尿病BB / Wor大鼠与人类糖尿病患者一样,会发生继发性并发症,例如神经病变。 3.在糖尿病发作后6周,通过皮下植入物用胰岛素治疗的BB / Wor大鼠表现出明显的感觉和运动神经传导速度损害。 4.从第6周开始,每48小时用Ca2 +拮抗剂尼莫地平(20 mg kg-1)腹膜内治疗糖尿病BB / Wor大鼠,持续6周,导致感觉和运动神经传导速度显着增加。 5.糖尿病发作后十二周,BB / Wor大鼠与非糖尿病年龄匹配对照组相比,坐骨神经血流受损40%。与安慰剂治疗的糖尿病BB / Wor大鼠相比,从第6周开始用尼莫地平(20 mg kg-1)治疗可显着增加坐骨神经血流量。 6.研究了坐骨神经血管神经对酪胺和去氧肾上腺素的肾上腺素反应性,作为自主神经病变的参数。 7.尼莫地平治疗可独立于突触后去氧肾上腺素降低而恢复对酪胺的降低反应,这一事实表明尼莫地平主要在突触前水平上改善了肾上腺素能反应性。



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